Guru Rinpoche Statue


Guru Rinpoche- the 'lotus-born' or 'precious guru', was the great eighth century tantric master and Indian scholar who was renowned for establishing Buddhism in Tibet.

Guru Rinpoche helped to establish the first Tibetan monastery and is often depicted sitting in the posture of royal ease upon a moon disc and lotus. He wears an ornate 'lotus hat', jeweled ornaments, a robe of a Buddhist monk, a fur-lined outer cloak of dark red silk, and ornate shoes, symbolizing his mastery of the various yanas or Buddhist paths. He often bears a tantric staff or khatvanga in the crook of his left arm, holding a vajra in his right hand and a skull cup of nectar in his left hand.

Each Guru Rinpoche statue stands 10" high, is made of brass and copper and has a partially gilt face hand-painted in gold. Adore this precious unique statue today @

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